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I might as well say it here: I enjoyed "Planes", and I can see why it is getting a good box office while all of the critics are reviling it. "Planes" is a good movie for children, that was made for children while the critiques are mostly judging it as though it were a movie for sophisticated adults. Almost all the critiques emphasize how its CGI is inferior to Pixar's and Disney's, but I was looking at the CGI quality as an animation professional, and I consider it almost imperceptibly inferior. Prana Studios, which did the subcontracted production, does good work. You can nitpick the story to pieces, but what else is new? Disney's "Pinocchio", considered one of Disney's greatest films, never reconciles how Pinoke can walk along the bottom of the ocean without any trouble, but drowns on the ocean surface while escaping from Monstro at the climax. I am actually looking forward to "Planes" #2.

Fred Patten


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