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"There are children all over the world being RAPED, starved, beaten, mutilated and put into slavery...and you're baaawing incessantly over a stupid house cat? Seriously d00d...priorities...get some."

Well I guess that's good for you and your site, you won't run out of 'comedy material'. I mean you most certainly didn't deny the accuracy of my statement and instead tried to distract-- I'm not easily distracted.

But to humor that statement as if it had intent other than that: Ever hear of the broken glass principal? Why are you obsessing over zoophiles in furry when all those thing you listed you say should be a higher priority? Are you words directed at yourself or I?

Listen man, I have nothing against your satire site, I just think your behavior is hardly satirical, unless you're supposed to be acting like the very individuals that ED thinks take themselves too seriously to be ironic...


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