LOL, that's what I love about most furs like are your own worst enemy.
ED is a SATIRICAL entertainment website, the majority of our articles specifically work by taking known/existing stereotypes and then taking them to their logical and illogical extremes, applying them to current events/news/happenings and so forth. We're not like Uncyclopedia in that we don't do "random funny", rather we do sarcastic, cynical, overly satirical style shock humor and the like.
I'm afraid it's the furries like yourself though that take your own interest to such an extreme level of ~seriousness~ that cause the most amount of damage and what actually incite so much outright HATRED of you guys.
It's sort of's okay to have an interest in things, like anime, or furries, or whatever...but no one likes a freakin SPAZ! If you're the type who tries to turn an idle interest or hobby into a "lifestyle"'re apart of the problem, and you're *FAR* worse than anything that's *EVER* been written on ED about furries.
Those of us on ED generally don't take ~anything~ online too seriously, least of all ourselves. We have a variety of interests, hobbies and the like...but we have *FUN* with them, we don't try and use them as an excuse to not interact socially like normal people, we don't try and use them as a substitute for real reality and we DON'T try and use them as an excuse to try and "victimize" ourselves in any way.
LOL, that's what I love about most furs like are your own worst enemy.
ED is a SATIRICAL entertainment website, the majority of our articles specifically work by taking known/existing stereotypes and then taking them to their logical and illogical extremes, applying them to current events/news/happenings and so forth. We're not like Uncyclopedia in that we don't do "random funny", rather we do sarcastic, cynical, overly satirical style shock humor and the like.
I'm afraid it's the furries like yourself though that take your own interest to such an extreme level of ~seriousness~ that cause the most amount of damage and what actually incite so much outright HATRED of you guys.
It's sort of's okay to have an interest in things, like anime, or furries, or whatever...but no one likes a freakin SPAZ! If you're the type who tries to turn an idle interest or hobby into a "lifestyle"'re apart of the problem, and you're *FAR* worse than anything that's *EVER* been written on ED about furries.
Those of us on ED generally don't take ~anything~ online too seriously, least of all ourselves. We have a variety of interests, hobbies and the like...but we have *FUN* with them, we don't try and use them as an excuse to not interact socially like normal people, we don't try and use them as a substitute for real reality and we DON'T try and use them as an excuse to try and "victimize" ourselves in any way.