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I think what Sonious is trying to say is that, by doing 'x', this guys is going against the very heart of the fandom. By treating an animal as less than human (sexual assualt without consent=dehumanizing, whether it's an animal or otherwise) the person is shrugging off the whole 'anthromoph' or 'animals with HUMAN characteristics' idea.

While I get that one doesn't necessarily have to consider animals as having human characteristics in real life in order to be a fan of anthro characters, that was what he was getting at. Like...are you really a fan of basketball if you go around stabbing basketballs with pitchforks... that would be a closer metaphor than a basketball player randomly murdering someone: there's no parallel to what the man actually does.

But treating animals like shit when you're in a fandom that revolves around animals and humanizing animals? See how there's a connection between the actual act and the 'identity' there?

Clarifications aside, unfortunately if someone identifies as something, people are going to connect their hideous acts with said identity. Same as any other group, this would/does reflect on us, whether we 'accept' him as being a real furry or not, so in the end it's all a rather moot point.


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