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Get over yourself. You're like a child sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling NO! MOMMY NO! While sonious patiently schools you. I feel sorry for people who have to work with you to run a con without a solid base, if a lone lunatic can shake your confidence.

"Goth" music has a subculture full of creative people who often go against the grain of mainstream and might deal with bullying. Ever hear of the Columbine massacre? They have had far worse than this reported about what their music supposedly causes people to do. Its just as ridiculous. They dont waste time on dumb debates like this over whether they should even talk about news like grown ups.

Whether its sex crimes or made up satanic panics, you cant stop stupid people from spreading scandal. You can't prove a negative ("we never do that") because crimes are part of human behavior. but you don't get stupid like them and pretend it's not a topic instead of answering with logic and maturity. If you do, they win.


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