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I empathize with those who have to deal with those who are generalizers. Especially those with power, such as parents, government, etc.

However, this was part of your job before Flayrah even existed. The media liaison position was not made in response to Flayrah. It was made in response to the media. Yes, they have a tenancy to go for the lowest denominator of events, however that is more that unusual is more interesting than the usual. It's not our fault these particular outlets decided to choose this one to report and ignore the rest.

In fact when we look at furry, isn't it's unusual-ness the selling point of it. The idea we each play our own unique characters.

Though not all of the media haven't really ignored the rest. The Space Marine copyright story for one of our authors was of interest outside the fandom. The rebuttal to the Christchurch's fabricated article was caused by Flayrah. It put their press on the defensive over their article. There are times when we have helped your job as much as you claim we have burdened it.

The irony for me is that the more I look into it, the more human it all seems, as much as we like to think we're different from any other nerd group, there are points where we are not.

You can provide similar arguments to those found her to those that give you trouble, hopefully they aren't anyone of any power. However, your job is to know who those in power are and twist the logic into a manner that they can understand. Learn their language.

Since you're based in Germany I'm sure the local politicians get sick of that whole Nazi thing being held over their head. That that one moment in German history is constantly used to define the German people... is that fair? Or that Germany is blamed by Greece for their economic turmoils in a more recent example-- is that fair? If it's not, then is it right to hold these historical moments of sorrow against furries?

Once you know who you're talking to, you'll know how to talk to them. Come up with a plan. In fact, if this wasn't on Flayrah yet this still went viral as you put it, would you have had time to prepare for it? Or would you have been blindsided? As you said you don't read these kind of stories.

Knowing is better than not in the fight against ignorance. Stay strong, and may your convention be successful.

EDIT: The response was edited before I summitted the response. I have to say, I don't know when this incident occured, but it is clear since your convention is still around, you won. Battles like this happen all the time, but it's good that you had won this one.

I don't know if this was caused by an article on Flayrah itself, however, you can use the comment's section as evidence of the fandom's response to these individuals. The concerns we have, the fears that develop. It will give a full story onto the very real passion we have for our group, and the great negative feelings we have towards those that abuse animals.

If this article wasn't posted here, furries would have no centralized place to show their disdain, something your enemies would take advantage of.


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