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The main conflict here is between people's whose jobs and interests lie with Personal Relations. There is a necessity for PR, and it's a thankless jobs at times, however there is a thing that a lot of people in PR lose site on, and that is you can't please everyone all the time.

AKA the lesson learned in Dressed for Success in MLP:FiM.

Conventions want as many people to like and feel comfortable at a furry convention as possible. So naturally their leaders will frown upon anything that make them seem unmarketable. It's about business, not about truth.

Good business men will know that they can spin the facts and deal with it in a manner that cleans their hands of it. The balance is not to lie, but not to dwell on it either. Something I hope Cheetah does when being inquired in such a manner by the general public, or that he has a media liaison who can. His convention has been successful thus far, so he must be doing something right.

You'll find the main critics of these kind of articles on Flayrah are indeed media liasons and convention runners. Mainly because Flayrah's purpose of reporting events in the fandom, better or worse, conflicts with their job on making furry's the next best thing since sliced bread. Our societal group is the very product they are trying to sell.

It's ironic part is that there are individuals who treat Flayrah as a "troll haven" or "Lulz" type website because of a handful of articles they find disagreeable. They do this because of people they fear will look at furry as a bunch of sexual deviants because of a handful of incidents. In essence, they generalize to defend against generalization. Well if you hate the generalizer, don't do so yourself.

We certainly generalize the media for its activities, but I think we're getting better at segregating the truly bad institutions who are about shock value, those that are propagandist, and those that are honest even if that honesty goes against either the shock-jock or the propagandist. Both will look for what they want, and both will bitch if they don't get everything they want.


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