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Who? Sorry, I don't waste time following piddly little fandom dramas. I found a bloated gossip thread that seemed to amount to unsubstantiated he-said she-said accusations, painting this Zaush character with the same brush used on Julian Assange. You won't score any points with that highly debatable form of controversy. Please don't break anything while bending over backwards, trying to compare that to a generations-long institutional coverup by the churches.

If that example is supposed to be like, priest abuse, then Dragoneer is the pope or something? Riiiight...

What power does Dragoneer have besides being able to ban someone off a free, niche website that doesn't even make any money? None.

And he's supposed to be some kind of arbiter of justice? He did something wrong by reserving judgement? Without evidence? I think not! Actually, if he were to get roped into supporting a vengeful accuser doing a false reputation smear (exes never do THAT, do they? Riiight...) then he's fucked from the other side by liability for abetting slander/libel on an innocent person. Yeah, accused people have rights, too. They really do.

The bottom line with what you brought up, is if an adult has -direct- knowledge of a crime, it's up to THEM to report it. Not a secondhand hearsay-receiver. And it's a job for cops to investigate. Not a hobby website manager. Dragoneer did nothing wrong. And if it wasn't reported to cops by the direct witness, we can take that as a sign it had no merit to be reported. That's how burden of proof works for accusations.

Your example isn't a granular piece of a bigger whole. It's simply granular, as in, so microscopic it's meaningless. Bad individuals do bad things sometimes. Welcome to humanity!

Furries aren't different from society at large. Neither are they similar to the Catholic Church and it's scandals. We're equals here and nobody has the power to be corrupted that way.

Back on topic: yeah, leave house cats alone.


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