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"That the press actually report things as they are and not selectively pick stories based on the narrative they want to send. Or because it gets the most views or is the most marketable."

Pfft... dream on...

What does "the press" even mean? It used to mean newspapers. A few of them even used to have standards! Are you going to put billions of dollars into reviving that corpse?

Long form journalism still does have some highlights, some in depth magazine pieces. TV news networks are pure rubbish.

There is a firm sense among those that analyze media (i dunno, maybe public radio's On The Media show) that the post internet, post-gatekeeper age means fragmentation, static and bubbles of information. Blogging IS the press as much as anything else. Anyone can do it, if you can get heard through the static. It goes out to more filtered audiences. Basically, it's up to YOU to share the story you want. If it's a story like this, you want people to find it here instead of somewhere less favorable.


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