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I doubt this article has been read by the entire of Huffpost's userbase who are typically more interested in politcal actions than what some random pervert is doing in Idaho.

And here's the question. If we didn't pick this up who would have said these people would NOT have picked this up? Who would have said they would not have quoted the commenter on the original article who said "their neighbors said they were all involved in this furry thing"?

A man once abused a peacock (who was not a furry), it was not posted here, still got on Huffpo. So it doesn't seem we're Huffpo's gateway into all animal abuse stories, now does it?

If you read these articles they do not this very contention and difficulty expressed by posting this type of thing here. That there are assholes within our group that make a convienent scape-goat for people to tease us with. Seeings as HuffPo is liberal, if they think all furries are like this guy, then all liberals are like Anthony Weiner.

I don't think they do, because the article addressed that. You're worried about numbers and even the slightest possibility of misinformed idiots. Guess what? That's humanity.


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