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Sigh... That's what response this story deserves the most.

It's dubious to speculate about (censored) with a cat. That verges into the category of stuff never done by anyone except Mr. Slave. (Trust me, I'm a rat in San Francisco... ha.) Maybe other things happened but lets keep it real.

There's definitely an issue about projecting guilt out of a newspaper notice, and risking being a sucker for a telephone game. (Hello, NJ FurBQ hoax, and countless non furry examples like Richard Jewell mentioned above.) But many people don't care about risk because it falls on someone else.

But there's no responsibility for a news source to avoid reporting facts, out of false duty to a Kurt Vonnegut style granfalloon.

IMO, people should already be aware of these things and not need to discuss it. This story doesn't deserve more than a handful of specific, non-meta comments.


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