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I hope whoever is doing searches online for furry will also note the majority of articles on Flayrah are either of good works furries are doing or creating.

I'm of the opinion that ignoring a problem will not make it go away, we need to recognize there are creeps in the fandom because acting like we don't know will only give them further safe haven - and this in turn just hurts those furs who want nothing to do with that sort of behavior or notoriety.

I'm certain if he is proven innocent of the charges Flayrah will report it in a follow up article, I may not read Flayrah enough to know if they've ever done a sort of 'smash and dash' on someone's reputation but I haven't seen it in any of the bad furry series of articles that pop up once in a blue moon. Personally I find them useful in reminding me to keep my eyes and ears open around furs I don't know personally.


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