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For those making the argument. "Well no one would find out he was a furry if you didn't posted it here and it was only posted on anti-furry or furry drama sites." I have evidence that proves you incorrect.

A reader of the Boise Weekly had made the connection without reference to this article(comment section here).

So no, if furries "say no evil" it does not lead to people "think no evil" or "speak no evil". They'll just note that furries aren't addressing it, and you can bet if we don't more people who abuse animals will walk right on in because they'll note we'll give them a pass.

A lot of furries if you Google search their RL name will turn up the results. If only the anti-furry sites make these connection, then that means they'll more than not start decrying that furrys "Don't want you to KNOW" about this, and thus are HIDING something.

I'm not saying witch hunt by people who are clearly unqualified to do so, such as furries are not. Nor do I wish to see people playing armchair detective. However, if someone is arrested or convicted by actual cops it's better to acknowledge the fact then to claim that the arrest is some sort of witchhunt.

Of course if one is addressed in public about it, if you don't want to deal with it, play dumb if one can afford to (you don't need to give out information on something that has nothing to do with you, nor be expected to), or tell the truth and play on the emotion rather than bogging down with the details of the case. Such as: "I didn't really know the guy personally, but if what is said was true than, as a furry, I find what he did to that poor animal despicable."

To say the word 'tabloid' to describe this news which merely spoke about the arrest is insulting to the pretentious douche-baggery that goes into real tabloids. I mean, those people work hard to bring you the most frivolous non-sense on celebrities 24/7. Meanwhile actual newspapers talk about the arrests of locals all the time. And don't think of blaming this on current attitudes/newpapers BECOMING tabloids. Arrest articles were happening even Murdoch was a fetus.

It's not the article that is behaving tabloid-ish, it's more the commentators.


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