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We're not the Zerg, we're a group of individuals. There's no hive mind. You can't tell the entire of furry who to and who not to stand up for. For someone who's saying we make our own rules, you're certainly taking the ones that have already been presented by other outside groups:


"There's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women."

And what if that woman committed a crime? If every woman doesn't pay for their defense are they going to hell? Even if said woman believed that particular woman was guilty?

Group-think such as this is a dying creature. I know it seems unfair to minorities who didn't get a chance to take advantage of it's corrupting influences, but most groups really want to be individuals, not have someone telling them who they should or should not support.

Support him if you want, but do me a favor and leave the title furry out of it, or you can keep the title and I won't be one, but I'll still support anthro works.

And Flayrah didn't do anything to Xanth. Seriously, you sound like Castro of Cleveland saying that "well it's these women's fault I was able to kidnap him." If you're blaming Flayrah for the arrest and conviction of Xanth-- there's just something really off about that.

And I guarantee you this, if it wasn't reported here, you'd blame or vivisector. And if they said nothing you'd scour high and low for anyone saying something negative about him and blame them. Because you'll blame everyone but the very person who committed the act. So then one starts to wonder: what do you get by excusing him? I'm not going to make accusations but your 4th paragraph in combination with this sociological behavior is pretty brow-raising.

I'll say if this is more then just a coincidence, you should stop what you're doing. Because you can finger point all you want, people will see through it.


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