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Now shut up and listen, closet case.

This is not a fan group made of "cartoon animals." It's made of people. People do not live in an "objectivist" Randroid fantasy world. (With your appalling verbal skills, you wouldn't read enough to know who Rand is.) Here in this world, people are affected by injustice.

Here is a group of 1300 people who got together as furry fans, to display their hobby and set a world record for most fursuiters ever in one place.

Front row, 7th from left: he's wearing a rainbow paw t-shirt. This is a very popular t-shirt by a furry company. It is one of the most popular shirts that furries buy from a furry company. The shirt sells well because there are far more gay people in furry fandom than in the general population. There are hundreds of LGBT people in this photo. We know this from surveys that give the best data you can find about who joins this hobby.

In russia, these 1300 people are breaking the law. They are supporting one of their group to wear a rainbow around others of the group who are under 18.

Every person in this photo deserves support to be there, especially the one in the rainbow paw shirt. You would call it "political lifestyle activism" and separate some from the rest. But you are the one that doesn't belong. Your bullshit hate is not welcome and you need to stop pretending that you live in a cartoon world where other people don't matter.


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