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The village idiot comes wrapped in an American flag and parroting Russian propaganda.

It's always like that with people who blindly hate. They don't care the source or meaning as long as they can use it against others. They don't understand the bible or the law they quote, just the tiny part they can appropriate to feel self righteous about inequality. They are tools for hate.

To pretend the Russian law does not affect human rights is to pretend that Jim Crow truly meant separate and equal. Back then, the same kind of people preached separation and ignoring politics.

But the Russian law is clear. It is not even pretending separation and equality. It says that gay people are less than human. "the 'distorted understanding' of social equality" means they will allow no equality. They consider gay people to be lower, like animals.

Furthermore it teaches the lie that an adult professing love to another adult of the same sex is a secret conspiracy to recruit kids for pedo perversion. Of course it isn't. it's like when Jim Crow treated blacks as lust monsters coming to rape white women. It's a fake justification to outlaw all such expression no matter what.

And here the village idiot preaches that it's just to protect kids, and not to look or care. Should a person like him even be trusted to care for an animal?


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