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"I don't think religion dying is an obtainable goal"

Atheism isn't a goal though. Do you believe in leprechauns and accept that the earth is flat? If not, can we call you a flat-earth-denier dedicated to anti-leprechaunism? No, that would be absurd. It's the same with people who don't believe in superstition about invisible friends in the sky. It's not a thing, it's a lack of a thing.

Who worships odin and thinks they're going to Valhalla, or worships volcanos because it explains how eruptions come from angry gods under the ground? Some people want to hold it back, but people find better ways to explain the world, knowledge evolves and religions die. Human civilization is the tiniest blip in the age of the world- it would be hubris to think the history of religion says anything about permanence. this is a good trend.


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