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I would agree with that, there are certainly those that whenever you ask them a question they'll go BlahBlah 10:1 and spin it into whatever meaning they wish it to mean at the given time. There are even some that say it is the answer to everything... to that I say, "Fine, use the Bible to teach you how to drive a car then."

There are sometimes you need to creature your own thoughts, or explain them in a new way.

Martin Luther and his 95 Thesis which talked about the reason the Catholic church's use of power and indulgence was corrupt would be similar to those items above.

I don't think religion dying is an obtainable goal, but history indicates that it does evolve and change. Those that just plug their ears and quote passages all day are typically those just those along for the ride. Sadly, every thought or cultural group obtains these. I'm sure there are seculars who don't know an ounce of science or math to their name and are just seculars cause they feel it's trendy. Furry may be approaching that point as well.

And even if we did get rid of religion I don't think these philosophical conflicts would be resolved. An example is when the anon said above "Psudo-intellectual". It shows that those with thought are willing to break off other people who think into separate groups because their ideas make them uncomfortable, just as religion does.

Or in a more entertaining way, one could watch the South Park episode where Cartman tries to get a Wii before it was released entitled "Go God Go" which I feel is an accurate representation and is what I'm alluding to.

So after all this, I think that's why one should focus on getting gay rights and accept help from within and without religious institutions. It's best not to let the focus derail, and if one expects the world to accept the odd differences in themselves, they are going to have to accept the odd differences of those within other groups.

I don't know if you're a Russian fur or not, but if you are, good luck.


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