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> is because of how LGBT people were treated when there were no pride parades.
Liberalism! That's why it works in USA and Europe.
I don't want to talk about politics, but that definitely won't work here, in Russia, at least in next 50-100 years (yup, huge number). Because of - i'm sorry for repeating it again and again - IMHO Russian mentality and lots of issues coming from it. I believe one of these issues comes from USSR (1921-1991), when government did GREAT AND HUGE job in ideological education and stuff. People piously believed in everything government said, so i think that "total Russian homophobia" comes from these times, when being homosexual was ILLEGAL. A few quite high officials in USSR were homosexuals, such as Nikolay Ezhov (dunno if english wiki has info about it), and despite how great they did their job (by job i mean for government itself) and how they were important - they were executed. Of course people were thinking something like "if government said that being homosexual is BAD, so it's true!". Look, just 20-30 years have passed as USSR collapsed and, of course, mentality changed a very-very bit.
>while LGBT people have been thoroughly demeaned and shamed through the educational and ritual propaganda of Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) for 2000+ years?
Do you want to change religions? Sorry, that was the first thought i got after reading that sentence.
As for describing parades as a "propaganda" - whaddya think? Russian mentality. Here in Russia everything strange and new usually gets negative reaction. Well, actually it's a normal reaction for 90% people EVERYWHERE, but here, i'd say, such things, when lot of gays dressed in bright clothes, may be perceived as a "propaganda".
>does any of what you said in your comment come off as a wee bit hypocritical?
> So why is shame and annoyance only reserved for those who dress differently? Why is shame and annoyance only reserved for those who protest against brutality or for civil protections? Why is shame and annoyance only reserved for those who live openly as gay couples?
You know, I keep thinking about it every freaking time I receive evil ironies after telling about my interests.
Listening to Pink Floyd? The Beatles? "LOL WHAT A SHITTY MUSIC"
Drawing strange anthropomorphic foxes? "LOL YOU'RE FREAKING NERD"
Once I even got punched just for wearing fox tail. JUST BECAUSE I LOOKED ODD FOR SOMEBODY.
Is it enough to explain why the best way to gays in Russia (and everything ODD for most of Russian people) be a bit more quiet? Just try to make these parades not for ALL PEOPLE? Like renting a huge apartment to "celebrate" that? Like we furries do?

P.S. Sorry for my English and may be for a lil' incoherence in my comment.


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