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It's amazing how little you know about the gay culture.

Read a book called "Gay New York", it is about the enormous and open gay culture in New York city (and other American cities) in the 1920's.

Before the 1960's "dumbing down" of the gay "movement", which put ANY contact with the same sex in the gay column, it was perfectly acceptable and reasonable for say, a straight man, to have sexual contact with another man, without repercussions. Since people had a better feeling of "community" back then, they kept it under wraps.

However, 100% homosexual was looked down upon. It netted you no children (needed those to say, work a farm, or take care of you when you get older), and for the most part, "open" homosexuality was practiced, but they didn't demand a blanket "You must accept us OR ELSE" types of threats like today's homosexuals.

Basically, it wasn't "out in the open" because such things were kept behind closed doors, gay or straight.

Western gays ought to go over to Muslim countries and try to push their fundamentalist-sexuality, and see what happens. Last I heard, they still have execution on the books for homosexuality.

Far cry from the "mean bad words" by "bigots" in the Western World.

btw: The "Religion" aspect is very, very faint. Which is why the media and fundamentalist-gays need to constantly show one, or two "preachers", and then label the entire religion as bad. Gotta keep that victim routine going.


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