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The churches are not the only entites in this world that spout "hatred", seculars are just as cabilbe. You really think it's going to change anything by pointing at the church and trying to blame the entity as a whole for all of the world's problems? For making an enemy out of them?

Oh sure, it'll change things... exactly in the way the ignorant/manipulative of the churches want them to be changed. You acknowledging that being gay is tied with despising the religious. With people doing that, they wouldn't even NEED to write any propaganda you don't write for them yourself.

I've always been of the belief that with or without religion humanity would be just as corrupt and collectively stupid as it always has been. So that means to me, the later is the enemy.

However, I will concede one point, whenever a church contains the word "orthodox"; I'm typically not a fan of them. It's typically synonymous with, "we'll read and interpret things for you because you're too stupid/lazy to do otherwise." This typically leads to an arrogant pulpit and a scared and uneducated pew; a dangerous combination.


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