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Actually, the PRC hasn't listed homosexuality as a mental disorder (2001) or a criminal offense (1997) for a while. New LGBT organizations have been set up since, including a Chinese PFLAG (set up by a straight grandmother), a Beijing LGBT Center, Pride events, , LGBT films, a Chinese equivalent to the GLAAD Media Awards, and attempts to get the Chinese parliament to consider same-sex marriage. Furthermore, state and private media in the PRC are less likely to treat LGBT people with rank religious disgust, given that the meme of LGBT people being demonstrably evil was largely limited to minority Christian and Muslim edifices.

Right now, all of these are unimaginable in the predominately-Orthodox Christian Russian Federation, where both houses of Parliament (State Duma) passed the anti-gay gag laws unanimously.

If anything can be said about this stark difference between China and Russia, I say that it's religion interfering with understanding of human sexuality that is the key factor.


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