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Flayrah is an international media, while a majority of our contributers are American there are some from Africa, Europe, etc.

In my comment below I would agree. However, I do think when it comes to human rights the internet does make it easy to peer over the fence and have empathy for those in less fortunate circumstance.

You also learn a lot of interesting things about the world and societal correlation as well. You used the term "fundie homophobe" which makes sense in Russia and America as there is some correlation with tying anti-gay with religion. On a world-wide swatch, religion is not what is not necessarily tied with homophobia.

China is a secular nations which have laws that are staunchly anti-gay.
Brazil has more Christian citizenry as a percentage than America or Russia (by around 20%) and has better gay rights laws.

While these two may be an exception and not a rule, it does go to show that one can't really pigeonhole religion as the sole oppressor of gays, nor secularism as the thing that will set it free.


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