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>>Probably because fighting isn't the answer.

>Correct. Leaving is.

Well, if you aren't having fun anymore, then you may be right. After all, -furry fandom- is a hobby, and hobbies should be enjoyable. If it isn't, then there are many other activities in the world.

I don't know who this Kincaid person is who keeps hassling you or what the "trigger" you speak of actually is, but I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. You and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I don't wish any ill to you. You've done quite a bit over the years and that deserves a certain amount of respect and applause. Good luck in whatever you end up doing.

Cool shade and soft trails to you, Rich.

Allen Kitchen

Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!


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