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It's 11-25-2001...this is probably the newest post in this thread..and my comments may be very late. If anything unbeknownst to me has happened between then and now without my knowledge, I apologize...I haven't been in the loop. I've personally known Rich since around CF4&5.

Rich's reasons for stepping down have been a long time coming even before last February. ConiFur was never the reason. It's probably something Rich saw and was targeted on so many times, so in essance, that was the last


I don't see this as an afront to "furrydom". Rich's "stepdown" was never there to kick the fandom in the stomach. It's his personal choice. Yes his handling of the ConiFur artshow surpassed any other con's artshow, he was good...damn good. But sometimes you have to get out..whether your a leader or not, everybody's human, and putting someone up on a pedestal and expecting then them to lead you and do great things day in and day out is unrealistic. Rich had his reasons and I'd say by sticking to them shows a lot of my opinion.

I myself am taking a less active role in the fandom, I'm not totally cutting it off, it's just that my time, life, business and family mean a lot to me right now. I have a lot of friends in the fandom and I hope to keep them.

-Dean L. Norton


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