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I pretty much agree with Crossie and GreenReaper here, it's unrealistic to hope that obscure foreign-language works would get nominated for Ursas more often, much less win. I tend to have a foreign bias towards French stuff because I understand French, but am I going to try searching the Web in German, Spanish, Italian, and other languages I don't know? Probably not; someone with the language skills to do so would have much better success and efficiency than me.

Personally what I find way more important is the Recommended Reading List that the Ursa site also hosts. ("Recommended" isn't so much a statement of quality, it's more like "Someone wanted to include it on this list".) It's a great place for the obscure and the foreign! Otherwise, there's also here, on Flayrah. Post a review, or post a newsbyte on the side, every little bit helps.


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