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i personally really enjoyed the movie. a good movie, though never stepping outside of the borders of good in neither the negative zone nor the positive zone. it way overused the tropes of high school, though it mostly works. short filler romance is short filler romance though.
my favorite parts are a few, the biggest is inbetween that song they had in the cafeteria, which is like ninety times better than any peprally i ever had in high school, and the ending. a lot of people question sunset shimmer's fate at the end, but i actually udnerstand it pretty well. she may have been an alpha bitch, but she did not view herself that way. she even let spike go after he was used to lure twilight to her, even though he would have been a good bargaining chip along with threatening to destroy the portal. she had a goal but she was not willing to go that far. then she managed to get the crown....... and it was plain as day that turning into a she satan was not on her checklist. she was totally shocked by her transformation, and she was actualyl crying. not to mention her behavior changed as that demoness, even willing to kill twilight when before she was nowhere near willing to keep spike hostage.
after she gets the evil knock out of her, she was obviously terrified by what she became. she said she was not a monster, but her transformation proved her otherwise. that was not what she wanted nor intended, which is why she cries at the end. she wanted power, and that was the only path she could understand.

....might be pretty easy to miss, but i saw the signs there. not willing to use spike as a hostage showed that while cruel, she was unwilling to actually go so far as to actually use a hostage. cosntrasted by her far more extreme behavior when the crown drew out the demon. afterwards she realizes that the demon was what she was like inside her heart, and she never wanted that.


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