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I have to say this is a pretty arrogant view. This is one of the things that drives me nuts about Furries - they can be rather self-centered and egotistical.

There's no analogy to the kind of community and camraderie going on at cons to be found anywhere in the mundane world.

I highly disagree. AD&D folks, drag racers, people who keep pets.... They all have very close-knit communities, enjoy talking to one another, hanging out together at their respective meetings/get togethers... They all have a great sense of togetherness and work hard to help one another in their various endeavors.

Given my first-hand experiences in these groups, I'd say that it is not exclusively a furry trait. Do drag racers "scritch" one another? No, but that doesn't mean they're any less of a community.


"We use them for divine retribution."


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