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It will have to be really really good; Rango with turkeys good. First timers don't usually win it; Turbo is the only "safe," "pedigreed" studio movie left (though, as I like to point out, Disney still hasn't won it and DreamWorks has only won once [technically, twice, if you count Wallace and Gromit]). And even if Turbo is good, it still may suffer the same fate as Wreck-it Ralph last year due to an offputting (for Academy voters) concept. However, this year's Monsters University also has that "sequel to a loser" thing, so that may work to Turbo's advantage.

And, of course, we really really should not be counting this movie out based on one teaser trailer; maybe it was just a really really bad idea by the advertising people. It is a teaser trailer, after all; the scen may not even exist in the actual movie.

Though, honestly, I'm just hoping the weak field from the heavy hitters means something like Ernest and Celestine may be able to sneak in and take the prize.


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