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I could be wrong then, however one must use caution when pointing to an exception and making it a rule. If it was common for people to drop down 10K on a picture consistantly and that is no longer the case that is one thing. However, if the 10K drop was an unusually exceptional circumstance and not a pattern then it's not reflective of a trend of furries that have more money.

It very well could be that people will only shell out large money for custom pieces rather then art that was made by an artist on there own. I actually wouldn't doubt that. Even in that though, there are segments. Probably some formula which contain the following variables: artist famousness, demand (kind of linked with fame), skill, willingness to draw particular elements in works, feeling of self worth, etc. I know a lot of commissioners that still only get 25 - 50 bucks a piece outside of auctions for custom stuff... and their stuff is pretty darn good.

If people knew the exact formula that drives up people's willingness to pay more, they'd probably do it. Well... maybe... some know that drawing penis does help in that regard, but aren't willing to do it.


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