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Looks like the word you were searching for is actually a shared word; in English it's "generality," which looks like it might even be pronounced the same if weren't for those accents in the French spelling.

I don't know about Sonious, but the "redneck" comment did rile me up; I've self described as a redneck and actually raised cattle (though never fucked them), so if I went a bit too far with the French jokes, that's why. My feeling is I'm allowed to make fun of it, but I don't like it. That being said, sounds like you're in the same boat, and it was self-deprecation, so now I'm okay with it.

If Sonious wants to feel better, there is a sub-genre of romantic comedy where big city folks come to small, rural towns which presents the urban in a harsh light (though admittedly rarely as inherently evil) and the rural in a positive. I said "romantic comedy," but crime movies like Fargo could be an example (and there, the comparatively big city folk are murderous). My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic would be the furry equivalent of the genre.

Also, Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil, a horror movie in which the two hillbillies are the heroes, is a direct parody of this sort of thing.


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