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Yeaw "O" (along with another, the one with the fat woman ) was french but thrust me, french cinema is 50% pretentious-wanabe-arty bullshit and 49% cheap and stupid comedy. That's why most of us learn english by watching foreign movies ^^

Yeaw okay i made a big (how did you say that ? ... pointing a part of something and make it the whole thing ? can't remember the word but in french is "une généralité") but still there is a huge part of the genre full of sexual imagery, more than every other genre i mean.

This appart i didnt realise the "anon" part of the butthurt comments, my bad. And don't take the "farmer" taunt too sériousely it was just to highlight my point ;)

Ps : sonious don't think i'm a big city jerk spiting on the rural life, im curently living in south west france like, in the midle of nowere and there is curently zero cow fucker around ^^


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