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You can't really interrupt a dead conversation ... (and that needs to be the tagline of a horror movie).

Wait, wasn't "O" the French short? Anyway, how quaintly stereotypically French of you to think everything revolves around sex.

Anyway, I'd beg to differ on the "all" horror is about sex thing. It is when it is; it isn't when it isn't. And sometimes it is and it isn't at the same time (paraphrasing a Stephen King quote, but he points out that, on one level of unease, one of David Cronenberg's movies is about uneasiness with the "sexual revolutions" of the 60s and 70s, and on one level, it's about our uneasiness with having a leech jump up and attaching itself to our face; these are not the same areas of unease at all). For instance, in The ABCs of Death, I dare you to bring a sexual reading to "A is for Apocalypse," and that's the first short in the movie. Even Freud would have trouble (I'm sure he could, but that's kind of his thing).

The only thing I'll grant to the "it's porn" crowd is that some shorts were obviously about pornography (obviously "P" and "L"), but if you have trouble realizing a. being "about something" and being "something" are two different things, and b. being "about something" and being "for something" are two different things, maybe you're not very smart.

And please, jacking off to cartoon animals is about .002 on the "weird-shit-o-meter" of jacking off to cartoons, never mind human sexuality (I think "being French" actually bumps you up to a solid 3).


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