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You don't have to be aroused or jack off to something to realize something is a bit fetishized. And that's what this movie felt like, disgusting and stupid to the vast majority of viewers but targeted to a niche market that would enjoy a girl dying of farts and being sucked up into her teacher's ass to exist in a scat'ish limbo (that's what happened in F, right?) or Z ending with a fight using a giant dildo-sword against a bloodied up naked mutant chick, or all of Libido... I mean the majority of the movie felt either really poorly written, boring, or inspired by a narrow subset of Fetish.

I mean even with H is for Hydro-Electric Diffusion you gotta wonder why they chose furry characters (especially with the Fox lady who looked like a latex-ish sex suit inspired by MTV's Sex2k or the Vanity Fair article). And of course also in that one the extreme abuse the dogs nuts take... and that was one of the better shorts in that anthology!

I don't think it's off the mark to see this movie as having an underlying pornographic vibe to it.


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