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It's an "anthology," so think of it like a short story anthology; 26 separate stories (or short films) making one big book (or movie) that have a vague theme connecting them, but you don't have to watch "A is for Apocalypse" to get "Z is for Zetsumetsu" (though that's a bad example; I'm not sure it's possible to get "Z is for Zetsumetsu"). I think they were supposed to go about five minutes each, but some are much shorter; "M is for Miscarriage" is maybe a minute, while, on the other hand, "L is for Libido" went over five minutes.

Technically, you could just skip to the good ones (since this is now a DVD or VOD review) and not miss much, just like you could skip a story in an anthology. However, the producers (who would be analogous to the editors of a short story anthology) did move some of the shorts around so they flow better (the audio commentaries mention "B is for Bigfoot" was "Y is for Yeti," "Y is for Youngbuck" was "N is for Nature" and "Z is for Zetsumetsu" was "R is for Rice", which means "N is for Nuptials" and "R is for Removed" were also changed), so it does feel somewhat cohesive, if not narratively.

There isn't a bridge story, like say in the horror anthology movie Creepshow (also recommended in a not furry way) where all the stories are from one issue of a child's horror comic. The only connection is the theme, which is a pretty vague theme, so you get all sorts of stuff.

I would not be surprised if you could find various shorts floating around the Internet, probably evenly semi-legally; I know a version of "T is for Toilet" is available on YouTube, because "T" was the contest letter based around YouTube. I say a version, because the director changed the dialogue; he decided there was too much cussing, and essentially censored himself by asking if he could redub the movie version; the producers were apparently mystified, but allowed it.

I don't know; you did like "Cupcakes." The shorts are in that vain, more often then not.


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