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I'm not saying all gay people are going to do that. There are perverts of all sexuality. Yes, I would not want straight women standing next to me in a urinal either. Just as you wouldn't want a random straight guy being able to watch you on the throne. Does that make you sexist? Unless of course I'm wrong and you wouldn't mind a guy watching you piss...

People grow up with different expectations of privacy. The cause is theorized to be the introduction of bathrooms in the home.

I'm saying the thought that has crossed my mind, as irrational as it may be. Because if I thought it someone less able to check and balance the irrational thoughts has too. If you're going to take advantage of that openness by name calling me, then shame on you. If people can't express what they are thinking those thoughts get locked up. If they are locked up you cannot find solutions to problems that may lay hidden. You hinder progress and solutions for the sake of that someone might find my thoughts offensive, which no gay person has yet... just a straight guy and a woman.

Gay people can take it, they don't need you to defend them. If one does feel offended I will apologize to them, not to some proxy. It is disgustingly political. They are people who can as individuals state their offense. Hell there are probably some gay men who've had the SAME thought, just because you're gay doesn't mean they'll feel comfortable feeling exposed to the possibility of being checked at the urinal. In fact, if there are lots of gay people in this fandom, there are gay people using the stalls too. I'm bisexual by the way, so if I have homophobia then I have a problem.


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