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You're too nice, Green Reaper.

I brought up the [a][s] pee article as an example of the annoying Internet trolls having something too prove them right, as Grubbs' constant having to tell people they probably shouldn't be asking him about their mental illness is pretty much all the proof those trolls need to prove furries have debilitating mental illnesses. Likewise, the pee article is proof, if you will, that furries, now backed up with anecdotal evidence (twice with Anon's comments here), that furries have such severe personality flaws that they can't even function like a normal human being.

My problem isn't with the advise given; I find it depressing that any bodily healthy male over the age of around 7 should have trouble peeing, and should so spectacularly fail at this act that people regularly notice. Hey, at least [a][s] saw it as a problem needing solving; I'm surprised it wasn't an article about how wonderful furries are for peeing sitting down like five year olds.

Though, thanks, Sonious, for that wonderful ramble through your own insecurities. The homophobia was a delightful surprise.


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