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This may have more to do with it than anything. If so that's not only a concern about furry but about the future of gender segregated bathrooms. Basically the reason we have such things is so people have a sense of security, particularly females, that people aren't 'checking them out' while they're in the bathrooms. However, now you have a fandom where there are more than a quarter who are on the hetero side of the Kinsley scale having to worry about being checked out by the those on the gay side. As gay people become more prevalent in society, I think this gender divided bathroom scheme is going to start coming apart at the seams.

I mean I certainly don't have "piss anxiety" but I remember late night at AC one time where I was leaving a room party in the Westin and made my way to the public bathroom by the bar. I pushed the door inward when this leg wrapped around the door and this old man wearing a croc cap peaked his head peeked his head out and said in a scratchy voice "Need to use the rest room?"

So either the bathroom was full, or this guy was being a creepy. It startled me either way where I didn't care which it was and then decided to hold it till I got back to the Double Tree. I turned away without a word as I guess I didn't even know what to say in that kind of a situation. "Guess not?" he called out.

While you're joking that it's that people are having sex in the bathrooms, it may be the opposite problem. People don't want to be sexualized while in the bathrooms. Urinals tend to be rather out in the open where people can look over at what you're packing. Knowing the statistics it's far more likely to occur when the people you're around are more gay, so I will admit that when I have that particular concern it comes to mind more at furry conventions then when I use it at other events. I brave these thoughts, thinking to myself it's somewhat bigoted to think that just cause another may be gay means they'll lack public control or decency and use them anyway, though I doubt everyone who has these thoughts would do the same.

Now that you have an article that tells people that furries are going to be thinking sexual thoughts to help them piss is not going to help in that matter.


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