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I will admit that particular column had me scratching my head. A lot of things were said with one reference they used to back their claim, however I saw nothing about urination and it's partake to a psyche of sexuality or dominate/submissive social structure in the abstract. No I'm not going to pay 35 dollars to go searching though the entire document.

My guess is that this is more a placebo effect. It works for the columnist in question, he recommends it to others. If it works for them that's all and good, but it seems it's all about setting up the placebo rather than actual science. I Particularly feel this way since a Google search on the topic of peeing anxiety didn't return anything even close to what the columnist suggested as a treatment of the condition. If such an unusual form of treatment were common place and shown in studies, I would think I'd see it in more places then just [a][s].

But whatever sails you ship, doesn't hurt.

I just wonder how the columnist knew how many furries were using the stalls to urinate as opposed to other purposes... or how those in the stalls were furries... did he knock and ask? Maybe furries like Mexican food and that's why they're lining up? Maybe they can't use the urinals for their needs?

What happens if someone suffers from sexual anxiety as well? Won't that make the situation worse?


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