Once again, that would be a great thing for you to do.
Though, seeing as how I'm linking and submitting a monthly column at the last minute again, maybe you might want to round up someone else if you do go weekly.
By the way, GR, at this point this year is all fucked up with the columns, and you're headed off to a con, so no biggie if it's not posted until next month, okay (I'll try and do all the HTML stuff myself, but I'm still not terribly confident).
Once again, that would be a great thing for you to do.
Though, seeing as how I'm linking and submitting a monthly column at the last minute again, maybe you might want to round up someone else if you do go weekly.
By the way, GR, at this point this year is all fucked up with the columns, and you're headed off to a con, so no biggie if it's not posted until next month, okay (I'll try and do all the HTML stuff myself, but I'm still not terribly confident).