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The tagline is intended to evoke the spirit of the site (as is the name itself) without being too restrictive as to content. If people look next to it, they see the major sections of our coverage, which also act as links.

Our meta description, designed to be shown by search engines, is more to the point:

News, features and videos for furry fans. Topics include conventions, games, comics, websites, animals and the media.

We have a considerable amount of "opinion" content, (including this piece). Concern has been raised over the frequency of reviews, though since many act as the first announcement of the work, I'd class some of them as news as well.

I'm hesitant to add an advice column; frankly, while I appreciate the honest effort some put into them, I don't consider them newsworthy. Many podcasts (such as FurCast) already handle that audience within the fandom, as does Grubbs Grizzly.

One thing I'd like that we don't currently have are editorial cartoons. A picture can tell a thousand words, yet we often only have words.


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