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I don't know if its been suggested already (I'm kind of too lazy to read all 80 some odd posts). Flayrah is not really as well known as you guys would like to believe. I found it around two years ago because I was searching for news on an upcoming event and I didn't know the name, so I google searched "furry news" and this site came up. Doing a banner ad campaign on the top furry websites would definitely help you get your name out there. Don't just use the tag "furry food for thought", but let visitors know what you have. "Con news and more", "Pre-furred News from around the globe", or something similar.

Something else you might consider is to borrow a couple of ideas from standard news papers. For example: you could do opinion pieces. The right ones of those generate alot of traffic and discussion. As long as you don't let Opinion pieces take up too much of the pie, you should be fine. Standard news papers do well with an opinion piece or an editors word, etc... Doing a "Dear Abby" or something might help as well. Point is, that is all still news and that will give more than one type of person something to read and be interested in. Because lets face it, the only thing most people can agree on, is that they don't like news.

I've always considered your news content to be fair, balanced, and objective (all mainstream news forget the last part). I do think the idea of having banner ads on the big name con sites would be a great idea, as well as doing your usual of listing their happenings here.

This is just my $.02 worth.


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