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Guys, when have I not been really unnecessarily aggressive? Apparently we've never met before; hi, I'm crossaffliction. I shout at people on the Internet.

But, anyway, yeah, [a][s] is out of your hands (except I don't think their bar to submission is drastically higher than ours. Probably just have to ask real nice.), and that's not what I'm talking about.

Yes, I know you used to contribute, but what have you done lately? And now you're fucking complaining about my contributions? How am I, a guy listed as a reviewer reading your "I think reviews are stupid, poopy articles and I wish people would stop posting them" comments supposed to take that? Yeah, I was rude, and attacked you, but at least I know I'm being rude. You're being a dick and you don't even realize it.

And the solution, as I pointed out, is marvelously simple; if you want more fucking news stories POST MORE FUCKING NEWS STORIES. But that would take fucking effort; it's much easier to make up bullshit "hey, we need more people contributing" excuses than actually do anything yourself, and best part is I'm in complete agreeance with you; I'm fucking shouting at you for two reasons, and the first is the whole "being nice" thing isn't getting you to submit, so let's try shouting. You might get angry enough to post; I don't know.

But the second reason is the one I've already used; stop being an asshole to us reviewers. Or at least don't act all high and mighty when one of them calls you on it; if you don't like reviews, well, my opinion on that is that is a sucky opinion, but if it really bothers you, you had better do something, because otherwise, I can tell you what the future of Flayrah looks like; my furry review boot stomping on your furry news face. Forever.

And, you know what, while I'm fucking here and ranting, take a look at that chart Green Reaper posted in the first comment; you want to know something depressing? That giant, out of nowhere spike in readers there in the end of last year; you know what that is? That's this. The whole fucking problem with this want of more furry news is that furries don't actually do anything newsworthy; according to the chart, by a wide margin, the singe most interesting thing any furry has done in the last three years is die.

So, uh, good luck with that furry news thing. You're going to need it.


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