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I'm just a contributor over at [a][s], and I can't speak for Makyo, but I think some collaboration would be great. Flayrah is a great resource, and important to furry in general, in my opinion.

I've shied away from publicizing [a][s] here on Flayrah. I did it once, maybe 9 months ago, and I got the impression from the commenters that I was taking advantage of Flayrah, using it to draw more people to something I'd written rather than adding something to the site. (I also recall that Greenreaper spent much-appreciated time and effort, adding links and a few sentences and generally improving things.)

Keep in mind that [a][s] is less than 2 years old, and it's only recently that it has gained enough regular contributors to reach critical mass, where readers can rely on something appearing every week or so. I'm sure that it took Flayrah a while to get to that point, and I guess it's something that FNN doesn't quite manage.


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