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Now, with the technicalities out of the way, I guess I'll get the ball rolling on questions:

  • Do 79% of readers roll their eyes every time we publish an article relevant to bronies/My Little Pony?
  • Do furries count as pets for ownership purposes for those in master/pet relationships?
  • Does it count if you view the same piece of porn 44 times per month?
  • If you live alone, or are single, are you more likely to view furry porn?
  • Does the open discussion of pornography on Flayrah discourage women from reading, commenting, and contributing here?
  • For males and females, what percentage of online roleplay in a sexual context is in a different gender?
  • Should we worry about cub furs whose use of pornography is not exclusively furry, or who feel positive about non-furry porn?
  • Are the discussion figures skewed by the fact that many women are furry artists and often asked for porn?
  • Were those influenced by pornography inclined to join furry fandom because of it, or to stay the hell away? (Perhaps this is 'mixed'.)
  • Does disability or unemployment correlate to [frequency of] use of furry pornography, liberal economic views, or bronity?


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