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The meaning is that those 24 or older are more likely to live alone or with a spouse or partner than those under 24. It's also true that in both cases, more live with a friend or roommate; however, this does not differ that much with age and was not what I or Nuka was getting at: furries mature and become married or find a romantic partner, they move away from their parents and into their own homes.

The t-test is used to determine if two sets are significantly different from each other. As I understand it, you're comparing the means and seeing whether the difference is significant. The significance level is given by the p-value ; "p < 0.001" would mean there is less than a 0.1% chance that the null hypothesis is correct (and so a more than 99.9% chance that the values are different). A lower p means a stronger conclusion, while the absolute value after the = indicates the magnitude of the difference between the two means.

Anything with "B" in it is a regression analysis, where you're saying "does X depend on Y?" The B-value is how strong the correlation is. So, the data indicates a stronger correlation between "furriness" and the use of fantasy for self expression purposes than between "furriness" and fantasy's use for recreation – but in both cases the chance for the relation to be true was measured at more than 99.9%.


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