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"Focusing on 3D" is very different from "shutting down". The West Coast studio has been moving toward 3D for awhile; "Treasure Planet" has a great deal of 3D, and Long John Silver is actually a 2D character with a 3D robot arm. They've ramped up production of their next feature, the all-3D "Chicken Little". So this isn't a big suprise.

But it doesn't mean that "the animation department" is closing down. Disney TV is still churning out their direct-to-video dreck (Dumbo 2, Hunchback 2, Peter Pan 2....), and the Florida studio is working on some really cool looking feature animation: "Lilo and Stitch", "Bears", and "The Snow Queen".

And Florida isn't their only remaining studio...there's still a good deal of work being done in Paris, in Australia, and in Asia. Disney's not at their best right now...matter of fact, they're struggling...but they're not "closing down". Not yet.


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