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To throw in a bit of context for the last sentence, while I still think there's a potential place for a curated story archive site, the truth is that it's an awful lot of work for a dubious return value. As it turns out you can't really "scale it back" very much from something like FA, and even if you do everything that FA does and do it "better" you've got an uphill battle. At this point you have a choice of five (uncurated) archives that can handle fiction -- that I know of -- and while they all have their strengths and weaknesses, it's hard to make the case that the fandom is clamoring for a sixth one with a different set of strengths and weaknesses.

While clearly there are other non-fiction sites like Flayrah and [adjective][species] available, magazines and news sites don't "compete" in the same way that archive sites do, nor are they in a "business" so wildly dependent on the network effect. I imagine that Flayrah and [a][s] have considerable readership overlap and assuming C&Q takes off, I'm assuming there will be considerable overlap there, too.

(And for the record, C&Q's "new" code will be available on Github; it's written in PHP 5.4, rather than Python. Go on, nerds, get into an argument over the technology stack now.)

— Chipotle


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