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I know people that bark and howl. I've probably done it myself a few times. I also have a collar and tail. However I'd say that's just for fun and depends what's going on. I don't see it particularly adding to the documentary other than to make the people seem even more strange and different, which is odd when presumably the aim would be to educate.

I suppose it's possible to have a show without the experts on but in a situation like this I find it an issue because this isn't just a small thing. The parents have no idea what is going on, and neither would most viewers, so the role of the expert here is to put it in context and say what we know from a more objective perspective. I think part of that is emphasising the implausibility of the idea.

Here I do want to draw the distinction again between acceptance of people and their ideas. Therians seem pretty much harmless. Whatever their beliefs they aren't causing problems for anyone so that's cool. That doesn't mean that we must just uncritically accept their beliefs though, which don't exist on their own but in a framework of what we already know about the world. In the case of therians leaving them with their beliefs is fairly harmless but in other cases, like homeopathy, when those beliefs go unquestioned it leads to people suffering and dying because people believe things that are just not true.

Things like alternative medicine are readily accepted and beliefs get too free of a pass in public discussion. I think it would be good to bring up the criticisms of the idea, especially because the public does not always have the knowledge to judge it for themselves.

For example, a question that would have been interesting to ask them, it sounds like you're a therian so maybe you'd like to weigh in, why there are all these people claiming animal souls and memories of being an animal yet I'm not aware of any therian ever using that to expand our knowledge. Surely therians should be able to explain all sorts of things about animal behaviour and how they live and yet that hasn't happened. At times they don't even match their animal. For example there was the leopard guy running around. Sure it's fun but leopards don't just run around like that so it's not being like the animal at all.

I should clarify what I meant about relationship to gender dysphoria. I didn't mean to say that theirans have any sort of gender issues but about what similarities and differences there were between people who felt like they were in the wrong species and those who felt they had the wrong gender.

The 'our' meant mankind in general but more specifically scientists (particularly in terms of physics and biology).

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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