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God, I'm -praying- that this idot keeps his crappy site down this time. It's probably just yet another way for him to get some publicity so that he can whine and cry about how unfair everyone is for not dropping down on their knees and begging him to come back. Another chance for him to brag about how great his code is, and point out that he spent all that money on his two servers out of the goodness of his own little heart, just to serve all those mean people who just won't tell him that he's the greatest guy in the world, and make him a big name in the fandom. Simple fact: Jurann keeps failing because he's an asshole, and he's not doing this out of love for the fandom, but rather because he despises the admins at FurBid, and wants to prove to the world how much better he is than they are. If you've ever met him, you already know that he's a socially retarded crybaby. I'm not even going to go into his attitude towards women, except to say that I am a RL female who made the mistake of being friendly towards him online, only to be subjected to his utterly disgusting attempts to arrange a meeting in the real world. Do I hold a grudge about this? Hell yes I do. But my statments about his site and the way he's conducted himself in regard to that site would be exactly the same either way. On a final note, Jurann, if you want to run a successful auction site in the future, do it for the love of the fandom, not for the love of yourself. This is why FurBid succeeded, and you just made yourself more of a failure.


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